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作者: 吴斌 罗军元 杨兆光  来源:渔业致富指南 年份:2017 文献类型 :期刊
作者:暂无 来源:小康 年份:2015 文献类型 :期刊
作者: 戴雪 万荣荣 杨桂山  来源:地理学报(英文版) 年份:2015 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: Yangtze  earlier  seasonal  intensified  downstream  lacustrine  river  representative  flood  dominate 
描述:Seasonal water-level fluctuations(WLF) play a dominate role in lacustrine ecosystems. River-lake interaction is a direct factor in changes of seasonal lake WLF, especially for those lakes naturally connected to upstream and downstream rivers. During the past decade, the modification of WLF in the Poyang Lake(the largest freshwater lake in China) has caused intensified flood and irrigation crises, reduced water availability, compromised water quality and extensive degradation of the lake ecosystem. There has been a conjecture as to whether the modification was caused by its interactions with Yangtze River. In this study, we investigated the variations of seasonal WLF in China’s Poyang Lake by comparing the water levels during the four distinct seasons(the dry season, the rising season, the flood season, and the retreating season) before and after 2003 when the Three Gorge Dam operated. The Water Surface Slope(WSS) was used as a representative parameter to measure the changes in river-lake interaction and its impacts on seasonal WLF. The results showed that the magnitude of seasonal WLF has changed considerably since 2003; the seasonal WLF of the Poyang Lake have been significantly altered by the fact that the water levels both rise and retreat earlier in the season and lowered water levels in general. The fluctuations of river-lake interactions, in particular the changes during the retreating season, are mainly responsible for these variations in magnitude of seasonal WLF. This study demonstrates that WSS is a representative parameter to denote river-lake interactions, and the results indicate that more emphasis should be placed on the decrease of the Poyang Lake caused by the lowered water levels of the Yangtze River, especially in the retreating season.
全文:Seasonal water-level fluctuations(WLF) play a dominate role in lacustrine ecosystems. River-lake interaction is a direct factor in changes of seasonal lake WLF, especially for those lakes naturally connected to upstream and downstream rivers. During the past decade, the modification of WLF in the Poyang Lake(the largest freshwater lake in China) has caused intensified flood and irrigation crises, reduced water availability, compromised water quality and extensive degradation of the lake ecosystem. There has been a conjecture as to whether the modification was caused by its interactions with Yangtze River. In this study, we investigated the variations of seasonal WLF in China’s Poyang Lake by comparing the water levels during the four distinct seasons(the dry season, the rising season, the flood season, and the retreating season) before and after 2003 when the Three Gorge Dam operated. The Water Surface Slope(WSS) was used as a representative parameter to measure the changes in river-lake interaction and its impacts on seasonal WLF. The results showed that the magnitude of seasonal WLF has changed considerably since 2003; the seasonal WLF of the Poyang Lake have been significantly altered by the fact that the water levels both rise and retreat earlier in the season and lowered water levels in general. The fluctuations of river-lake interactions, in particular the changes during the retreating season, are mainly responsible for these variations in magnitude of seasonal WLF. This study demonstrates that WSS is a representative parameter to denote river-lake interactions, and the results indicate that more emphasis should be placed on the decrease of the Poyang Lake caused by the lowered water levels of the Yangtze River, especially in the retreating season.
乡村医生陈凡经:在鄱阳湖小岛上经营 最美家庭
作者: 周智玲 张亮  来源:家庭百事通 年份:2015 文献类型 :期刊
作者:暂无 来源:商务时报 年份:2013 文献类型 :期刊
作者: 陈格君 周文斌 胡春华  来源:湖北农业科学 年份:2013 文献类型 :期刊
作者: 李艳 刘斌 刘文  来源:中学生导报(教学研究) 年份:2013 文献类型 :期刊
作者: 何发甦 巫过房  来源:学理论(中旬刊) 年份:2013 文献类型 :期刊
作者:暂无 来源:魅力中国 年份:2010 文献类型 :期刊
作者: 子岚  来源:科学教育与博物馆 年份:2011 文献类型 :期刊