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作者: 吕兰军  来源:水政水资源 年份:2014 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 鄱阳湖  影响  思考  枯水水位 
作者: 吕兰军  来源:水利发展研究 年份:2014 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 长江九江段  鄱阳湖  枯水水位 
作者: 闵骞  来源:减灾与发展 年份:1998 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 洪水效应  水灾  人为灾害  围垦  湖泊  潘阳湖 
描述:分析翻阳湖围垦对洪水位的影响,确定湖水位围垦效应与围垦面积的关系,探讨垦还湖在降低洪水位方面的效益。剖析鄱阳湖建国后的几 亚 重洪涝水灾及其与围垦的关系。
全文:分析翻阳湖围垦对洪水位的影响,确定湖水位围垦效应与围垦面积的关系,探讨垦还湖在降低洪水位方面的效益。剖析鄱阳湖建国后的几 亚 重洪涝水灾及其与围垦的关系。
鄱阳湖! 鄱阳湖! 鄱阳湖!
作者: 高远  来源:中国农资 年份:2016 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 农业保险  农机物资  陈明安  黄革  沿岸地区  农业生产资料  最后一根稻草  直接经济损失  鄱阳县  建华 
作者: 金奇 吴琴 钟欣孜 胡佳 胡启武  来源:生态学杂志 年份:2017 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 鄱阳湖湿地  重组有机碳  可溶性有机碳  微生物生物量碳  轻组有机碳 
描述:~153.63 mg·kg-1。(2)土层、群落类型及其交互作用均对总有机碳及其组分产生显著影响,水位梯度的影响未达到显著性。(3)湿地0~30 cm土壤HFOC、LFOC、MBC和DOC占总有机碳平均比例
全文:~153.63 mg·kg-1。(2)土层、群落类型及其交互作用均对总有机碳及其组分产生显著影响,水位梯度的影响未达到显著性。(3)湿地0~30 cm土壤HFOC、LFOC、MBC和DOC占总有机碳平均比例
作者: 金奇 吴琴 钟欣孜 胡佳 胡启武  来源:生态学杂志 年份:2017 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 鄱阳湖湿地  重组有机碳  可溶性有机碳  微生物生物量碳  轻组有机碳 
描述:~153.63 mg·kg-1。(2)土层、群落类型及其交互作用均对总有机碳及其组分产生显著影响,水位梯度的影响未达到显著性。(3)湿地0~30 cm土壤HFOC、LFOC、MBC和DOC占总有机碳平均比例
全文:~153.63 mg·kg-1。(2)土层、群落类型及其交互作用均对总有机碳及其组分产生显著影响,水位梯度的影响未达到显著性。(3)湿地0~30 cm土壤HFOC、LFOC、MBC和DOC占总有机碳平均比例
作者: 熊小英  来源:江西科学 年份:2003 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 生态环境  鄱阳湖  控制工程  湿地  水位运行方案 
作者: 尹宗贤 张俊才  来源:水文 年份:1988 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 高程  出露  出没规律  湖水位  开发利用  湖滩草洲  淹没  年平均  开始日期  可利用 
作者: 童亚莉 梁涛 王凌青 李可欣  来源:Journal of Geographical Sciences 年份:2017 文献类型 :期刊
描述:Since the construction of the Three Gorges Dam,the Poyang Lake hydrological characteristics obviously changed.During the impoundment period of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the hydrodynamic factors of Poyang Lake varied.Water level dropped,the velocity decreased and water exchange time lengthened,which changed the release of phosphorous from sediments.In order to investigate how the hydrodynamic factors influence the release of phosphorous from sediments,we used a two-way annular flume device to simulate the release characteristics of phosphorous from sediments under variable water levels and velocities.We found that both water level rising and velocity increasing could enhance the disturbance intensity to sediments,which caused the increase of suspended solids(SS)concentration,total phosphorus(TP)concentration in the overlying water,and the ability that phosphorus released to overlying water from sediments enhanced as well:when overlying water velocity maintained 0.3 m/s,SS concentration increased to 4035.85 mg/L at the water level25 cm which was about 25 times compared to the minimum value and TP concentration in the overlying water also reached the maximum value at the water level 25 cm which was 1.2times that of the value at 10 cm;when water level maintained 15 cm,SS concentration increased to 4363.35 mg/L at the velocity of 0.5 m/s which was about 28 times compared to the value of 0 m/s,and TP concentration in the overlying water increased from 0.11 mg/L to 0.44mg/L.When the water level maintained 15 cm,the phosphorous release rate reached the maximum value of 4.86 mg/(md)at 0.4 m/s.The concentration of total dissolved phosphorous(TDP)and soluble reactive phosphate(SRP)both in overlying water and sediment-water interface were negatively correlated with p H.Using the parabolic equation,the optimum water level at a velocity of 0.3 m/s was calculated to be 0.57 cm,and the optimum velocity at water level of 15 cm was found to be 0.2 m/s.
全文:Since the construction of the Three Gorges Dam,the Poyang Lake hydrological characteristics obviously changed.During the impoundment period of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the hydrodynamic factors of Poyang Lake varied.Water level dropped,the velocity decreased and water exchange time lengthened,which changed the release of phosphorous from sediments.In order to investigate how the hydrodynamic factors influence the release of phosphorous from sediments,we used a two-way annular flume device to simulate the release characteristics of phosphorous from sediments under variable water levels and velocities.We found that both water level rising and velocity increasing could enhance the disturbance intensity to sediments,which caused the increase of suspended solids(SS)concentration,total phosphorus(TP)concentration in the overlying water,and the ability that phosphorus released to overlying water from sediments enhanced as well:when overlying water velocity maintained 0.3 m/s,SS concentration increased to 4035.85 mg/L at the water level25 cm which was about 25 times compared to the minimum value and TP concentration in the overlying water also reached the maximum value at the water level 25 cm which was 1.2times that of the value at 10 cm;when water level maintained 15 cm,SS concentration increased to 4363.35 mg/L at the velocity of 0.5 m/s which was about 28 times compared to the value of 0 m/s,and TP concentration in the overlying water increased from 0.11 mg/L to 0.44mg/L.When the water level maintained 15 cm,the phosphorous release rate reached the maximum value of 4.86 mg/(md)at 0.4 m/s.The concentration of total dissolved phosphorous(TDP)and soluble reactive phosphate(SRP)both in overlying water and sediment-water interface were negatively correlated with p H.Using the parabolic equation,the optimum water level at a velocity of 0.3 m/s was calculated to be 0.57 cm,and the optimum velocity at water level of 15 cm was found to be 0.2 m/s.
作者: 刘恋 曾繁翔 付志强  来源:人民长江 年份:2016 文献类型 :期刊
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