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作者: 熊彩云 张学玲 肖复明 蔡海生  来源:人民长江 年份:2011 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 生态功能  鄱阳湖湿地  生态服务  对策 
作者: 雷声 张秀平 许小华  来源:人民长江 年份:2011 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 湿地植被  秋冬季  地类变化  鄱阳湖  植被群落识别  遥感监测 
描述:近年来,鄱阳湖枯水期水位连创新低,湖区湿地环境有退化的趋势。为了分析鄱阳湖湿地不同类型土地在不同季节的变化情况,通过收集2003~2009年间60多幅景湖区MODIS、Landsat TM清晰无云
全文:近年来,鄱阳湖枯水期水位连创新低,湖区湿地环境有退化的趋势。为了分析鄱阳湖湿地不同类型土地在不同季节的变化情况,通过收集2003~2009年间60多幅景湖区MODIS、Landsat TM清晰无云
作者: 雷声 张秀平 许小华  来源:人民长江 年份:2011 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 湿地植被  秋冬季  地类变化  鄱阳湖  植被群落识别  遥感监测 
描述:近年来,鄱阳湖枯水期水位连创新低,湖区湿地环境有退化的趋势。为了分析鄱阳湖湿地不同类型土地在不同季节的变化情况,通过收集2003~2009年间60多幅景湖区MODIS、Landsat TM清晰无云
全文:近年来,鄱阳湖枯水期水位连创新低,湖区湿地环境有退化的趋势。为了分析鄱阳湖湿地不同类型土地在不同季节的变化情况,通过收集2003~2009年间60多幅景湖区MODIS、Landsat TM清晰无云
作者: 韦立新 于慧 汪周园 包伟静  来源:人民长江 年份:2014 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 入江径流  鄱阳湖  突变  周期  随机性  趋势性 
作者: 刘恋 曾繁翔 付志强 陈明华  来源:人民长江 年份:2016 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 水文特征  星子水文站  水位  鄱阳湖 
描述:为了深入认识鄱阳湖水文特征并为湖区水利枢纽建设提供参考,基于星子站1935~2008年期间62 a水位实测资料,对该站水位基本特征及演变趋势进行了分析。结果表明:使用星子水文站水位数据表征鄱阳湖
全文:为了深入认识鄱阳湖水文特征并为湖区水利枢纽建设提供参考,基于星子站1935~2008年期间62 a水位实测资料,对该站水位基本特征及演变趋势进行了分析。结果表明:使用星子水文站水位数据表征鄱阳湖
作者: 李微 李昌彦 吴敦银 吴英超 李荣昉  来源:人民长江 年份:2015 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 小波分析  趋势分析  径流特征  鄱阳湖  Hurst指数 
作者: 胡春华 周文斌 肖化云 龙智勇 刘娟娟  来源:人民长江 年份:2010 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 富营养化  鄱阳湖  污染分析  正态分布 
作者: 罗小平 郑林 齐述华 顾中宇  来源:人民长江 年份:2008 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 长江    鄱阳湖  沙通量  特征分析 
作者: 吕兰军 王仕刚  来源:人民长江 年份:1991 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 水位  栖息地  鄱阳湖  候鸟  三峡工程 
作者: 徐德龙 熊明 张晶  来源:人民长江 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: hydrologic  composition  Poyang  property  action  Lake  storage  flood 
描述:The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.
全文:The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.