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作者: 邬国锋 崔丽娟 纪伟涛  来源:湖泊科学 年份:2009 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 鄱阳湖  变化分析  悬浮泥沙浓度  反演  MODIS 
作者: 张成宝 刘建堂 翁贞林  来源:湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 年份:2011 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 农户  Logistic模型  鄱阳湖生态经济区  农业新技术需求 
中国鄱阳湖生态网开通仪式在南昌举行 江西省委常委、省委秘书长赵智勇出席开通仪式并讲话
作者: 李志敏  来源:老区建设 年份:2010 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 鄱阳湖生态  智勇  都阳湖  江西日报  报社社长  江西经济  生态经济区  万林  江西师范大学  副主席 
作者: 谢钦铭 李云 李长春  来源:江西科学 年份:1997 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 生物量  鄱阳湖  轮虫 
鄱阳湖鱼类的寄生吸虫 Ⅱ.棘口科、发状科和血居科四新种记述
作者: 王溪云  来源:动物分类学报 年份:1982 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 棘口科  发状科  卵黄腺  口吸盘  鄱阳湖  血居科  新种记述  腹吸盘  血居吸虫  卵黄滤泡 
描述:作者在整理1975年以来所采集的鄱阳湖鱼类的寄生吸虫时,除独睾科(MonorchiidaeOdhner,1911)已记述三新种外,尚有棘口科(Echinostomatidae Dietz,1909)二种、发状科(Gorgoderidae Looss,1901)和血居科(Sanguinicolidae Graff,1907)各一种,系文献未曾记载过。虫体描述系根据活体标本及盐酸卡红整体染色制片标本观察、测量(单位:毫米)。模式标本存江西省寄生虫病研究所。
全文:作者在整理1975年以来所采集的鄱阳湖鱼类的寄生吸虫时,除独睾科(MonorchiidaeOdhner,1911)已记述三新种外,尚有棘口科(Echinostomatidae Dietz,1909)二种、发状科(Gorgoderidae Looss,1901)和血居科(Sanguinicolidae Graff,1907)各一种,系文献未曾记载过。虫体描述系根据活体标本及盐酸卡红整体染色制片标本观察、测量(单位:毫米)。模式标本存江西省寄生虫病研究所。
作者: 王子健 马梅 杜青 李莉莉 刘定芳  来源:环境化学 年份:1993 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 重金属污染  沉积物  生态效应 
描述:对乐安江鄱阳湖河口三个沉积物样品中主要污染元素含量的分析,表明存在重金属Cu和Zn污染。用模拟湖水对沉积物进行溶出实验,上清液金属含量符合国家地表水质量标准,成组生物检验(Battery Test)结果表明,三个沉积物样品对无脊椎动物和发光菌均无急性毒牲,但对光合藻类的生长有抑制作用。初步用毒性鉴定和评价方案进行的研究结果表明,抑制作用主要由阳离子类型污染物引起。
全文:对乐安江鄱阳湖河口三个沉积物样品中主要污染元素含量的分析,表明存在重金属Cu和Zn污染。用模拟湖水对沉积物进行溶出实验,上清液金属含量符合国家地表水质量标准,成组生物检验(Battery Test)结果表明,三个沉积物样品对无脊椎动物和发光菌均无急性毒牲,但对光合藻类的生长有抑制作用。初步用毒性鉴定和评价方案进行的研究结果表明,抑制作用主要由阳离子类型污染物引起。
鄱阳湖鱼类的寄生吸虫 Ⅲ.异肉科五新种记述
作者: 王溪云  来源:海洋与湖沼 年份:1983 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 新种  阴茎囊  卵黄腺  口吸盘  卵巢  鄱阳湖  鱼类寄生吸虫  虫体  腹吸盘  异肉科 
描述:者自1975年以来,在鄱阳湖进行了鱼类寄生吸虫的调查研究,发现异肉科(Allocreadiidae Stossich,1903)尚有五种系文献未曾记载过,其中隶于异肉亚科(Allocreadiinae Looss,1902)异肉属。(Allocreadium Looss,1900)的两种;隶于尾睾亚科(Urorchiinae Yamaguti,1958)尾睾属(Urorchis Ozaki,1927)的三种,本文特予以报道。虫体描述系根据
全文:者自1975年以来,在鄱阳湖进行了鱼类寄生吸虫的调查研究,发现异肉科(Allocreadiidae Stossich,1903)尚有五种系文献未曾记载过,其中隶于异肉亚科(Allocreadiinae Looss,1902)异肉属。(Allocreadium Looss,1900)的两种;隶于尾睾亚科(Urorchiinae Yamaguti,1958)尾睾属(Urorchis Ozaki,1927)的三种,本文特予以报道。虫体描述系根据
作者: 谢花林 何亚芬 邹金浪 吴群  来源:Journal of Geographical Sciences 年份:2016 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 鄱阳湖生态  cultivated  eastern  proportion  agricultural  pesticide  county  counties  fertilizer  moderate 
描述: Zone from 2000 to 2010. The results are obtained as follows:(1) Over a period of 10 years
全文: Zone from 2000 to 2010. The results are obtained as follows:(1) Over a period of 10 years
作者: 童亚莉 梁涛 王凌青 李可欣  来源:Journal of Geographical Sciences 年份:2017 文献类型 :期刊
描述:Since the construction of the Three Gorges Dam,the Poyang Lake hydrological characteristics obviously changed.During the impoundment period of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the hydrodynamic factors of Poyang Lake varied.Water level dropped,the velocity decreased and water exchange time lengthened,which changed the release of phosphorous from sediments.In order to investigate how the hydrodynamic factors influence the release of phosphorous from sediments,we used a two-way annular flume device to simulate the release characteristics of phosphorous from sediments under variable water levels and velocities.We found that both water level rising and velocity increasing could enhance the disturbance intensity to sediments,which caused the increase of suspended solids(SS)concentration,total phosphorus(TP)concentration in the overlying water,and the ability that phosphorus released to overlying water from sediments enhanced as well:when overlying water velocity maintained 0.3 m/s,SS concentration increased to 4035.85 mg/L at the water level25 cm which was about 25 times compared to the minimum value and TP concentration in the overlying water also reached the maximum value at the water level 25 cm which was 1.2times that of the value at 10 cm;when water level maintained 15 cm,SS concentration increased to 4363.35 mg/L at the velocity of 0.5 m/s which was about 28 times compared to the value of 0 m/s,and TP concentration in the overlying water increased from 0.11 mg/L to 0.44mg/L.When the water level maintained 15 cm,the phosphorous release rate reached the maximum value of 4.86 mg/(md)at 0.4 m/s.The concentration of total dissolved phosphorous(TDP)and soluble reactive phosphate(SRP)both in overlying water and sediment-water interface were negatively correlated with p H.Using the parabolic equation,the optimum water level at a velocity of 0.3 m/s was calculated to be 0.57 cm,and the optimum velocity at water level of 15 cm was found to be 0.2 m/s.
全文:Since the construction of the Three Gorges Dam,the Poyang Lake hydrological characteristics obviously changed.During the impoundment period of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the hydrodynamic factors of Poyang Lake varied.Water level dropped,the velocity decreased and water exchange time lengthened,which changed the release of phosphorous from sediments.In order to investigate how the hydrodynamic factors influence the release of phosphorous from sediments,we used a two-way annular flume device to simulate the release characteristics of phosphorous from sediments under variable water levels and velocities.We found that both water level rising and velocity increasing could enhance the disturbance intensity to sediments,which caused the increase of suspended solids(SS)concentration,total phosphorus(TP)concentration in the overlying water,and the ability that phosphorus released to overlying water from sediments enhanced as well:when overlying water velocity maintained 0.3 m/s,SS concentration increased to 4035.85 mg/L at the water level25 cm which was about 25 times compared to the minimum value and TP concentration in the overlying water also reached the maximum value at the water level 25 cm which was 1.2times that of the value at 10 cm;when water level maintained 15 cm,SS concentration increased to 4363.35 mg/L at the velocity of 0.5 m/s which was about 28 times compared to the value of 0 m/s,and TP concentration in the overlying water increased from 0.11 mg/L to 0.44mg/L.When the water level maintained 15 cm,the phosphorous release rate reached the maximum value of 4.86 mg/(md)at 0.4 m/s.The concentration of total dissolved phosphorous(TDP)and soluble reactive phosphate(SRP)both in overlying water and sediment-water interface were negatively correlated with p H.Using the parabolic equation,the optimum water level at a velocity of 0.3 m/s was calculated to be 0.57 cm,and the optimum velocity at water level of 15 cm was found to be 0.2 m/s.
作者: 曾泰  来源:南昌大学 年份:2014 文献类型 :学位论文 关键词: mtDNA基因组  放逸短沟蜷  鄱阳湖流域  COI  遗传结构 
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