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作者: 曹正茂  来源:文史月刊 年份:2012 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 枭阝阳城遗址  考古 
作者: 曹正茂  来源:文史月刊(学术) 年份:2012 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 枭阝阳城遗址  考古 
作者: 朱艳芳 张咏梅  来源:品牌研究 年份:2015 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 新模式  遗址  开发  鄱阳湖城市群 
作者: 熊苏蔚  来源:小学生之友(智力探索版) 年份:2007 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 古城  洪水淹没  长江  汉武帝  沉没  远古传说  鄱阳湖  都昌县  彭蠡泽  老妇人 
作者: 李白  年份:2017 文献类型 :期刊
描述:‍‍浪动灌婴井,浔阳 江上风。开帆入天镜,直向彭湖东。落影转疏雨,晴云散远空。名山发佳兴,清赏亦何穷。石镜挂遥月,香炉灭彩虹。相思俱对此,举目与君同。‍‍

浪动灌婴井,浔阳 江上风。

作者: 万义维  来源:开心老年 年份:2016 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 野老  梦说  风问  清平乐  积翠  都昌 
作者: 徐佳佳 贾玉连 马春梅 朱诚 吴立 李育远 王鑫浩  来源:地理学报(英文版) 年份:2016 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: expanded  northward  geographic  records  环境响应  鄱阳湖流域  climatic  ancient  Holocene  southeast 
描述:The temporal-spatial geographic distribution of archaeological sites and its feature between 10.0–2.8 ka BP(ka BP= thousands of years before 0 BP, where “0 BP” is defined as the year AD 1950) were determined, based on GIS spatial analysis in the Poyang Lake Basin. The relationship between geographic distribution of sites of different periods under subsistence existence of ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change was investigated. The results revealed numerous archaeological sites of the Neolithic Age(10.0–3.6 ka BP). The sites were mainly located in the northern part of the Poyang Lake Basin, a hilly and mountainous area with many river terraces suitable for the development of human civilization. The number of archaeological sites rapidly increased during the Shang and Zhou dynasties(3.6–2.8 ka BP) and spread widely on the floodplains of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River and onto the west, south, and southeast beach areas of the Poyang Lake. Holocene records of climate change suggested that it was possible that climate fluctuations had a great impact on human evolution in the study area. Before 3.6 ka BP, westward and northward expansion of Neolithic cultures in the Poyang Lake watershed occurred under the background of climate amelioration(becoming warmer and wetter). The ancient people lived in the hilly areas with high elevation. The simple mode of a fishing and gathering economy was mostly suited to this area in the early Neolithic Age. The scope of human activities was expanded and cultural diversity developed in the late Neolithic Age. However, with population growth and increasing survival pressure in a dry-cold climatic stage after 3.6 ka BP, this simple living mode had to be abandoned, and various forms of economy, the majority being agriculture, were developed on flood plains of the lower reaches of numerous rivers around Poyang Lake. This promoted flourishing of the Bronze culture of South China.
全文:The temporal-spatial geographic distribution of archaeological sites and its feature between 10.0–2.8 ka BP(ka BP= thousands of years before 0 BP, where “0 BP” is defined as the year AD 1950) were determined, based on GIS spatial analysis in the Poyang Lake Basin. The relationship between geographic distribution of sites of different periods under subsistence existence of ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change was investigated. The results revealed numerous archaeological sites of the Neolithic Age(10.0–3.6 ka BP). The sites were mainly located in the northern part of the Poyang Lake Basin, a hilly and mountainous area with many river terraces suitable for the development of human civilization. The number of archaeological sites rapidly increased during the Shang and Zhou dynasties(3.6–2.8 ka BP) and spread widely on the floodplains of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River and onto the west, south, and southeast beach areas of the Poyang Lake. Holocene records of climate change suggested that it was possible that climate fluctuations had a great impact on human evolution in the study area. Before 3.6 ka BP, westward and northward expansion of Neolithic cultures in the Poyang Lake watershed occurred under the background of climate amelioration(becoming warmer and wetter). The ancient people lived in the hilly areas with high elevation. The simple mode of a fishing and gathering economy was mostly suited to this area in the early Neolithic Age. The scope of human activities was expanded and cultural diversity developed in the late Neolithic Age. However, with population growth and increasing survival pressure in a dry-cold climatic stage after 3.6 ka BP, this simple living mode had to be abandoned, and various forms of economy, the majority being agriculture, were developed on flood plains of the lower reaches of numerous rivers around Poyang Lake. This promoted flourishing of the Bronze culture of South China.
作者: 黎明中  来源:核地知与行 年份:2013 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 鄱阳湖  地球  淡水湖  燕山运动 
作者: 朱立德  来源:中国血吸虫病防治杂志 年份:1996 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 工程控制  效果观察  冶理工程  血吸虫病流行  防治效果  鄱阳湖  综合治理工程  经济效益  活螺平均密度  湖滩 
作者: 赵青  来源:江西画报 年份:2012 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 南山  灯火  滨水区  裂变  鄱阳湖  改革开放  都昌县  经济的  大风  珍珠 
描述:沧海桑田惊天动地的特大裂变。 1500多年前,阳水城下是一片河网交织的冲积平原,这儿曾经是东晋和南朝的粮仓。突然间山崩地裂,雷鸣电闪,位于阳平原上的阳县城立时像个摇篮颠簸不已。当劫后余生的人们从惊愕
全文:沧海桑田惊天动地的特大裂变。 1500多年前,阳水城下是一片河网交织的冲积平原,这儿曾经是东晋和南朝的粮仓。突然间山崩地裂,雷鸣电闪,位于阳平原上的阳县城立时像个摇篮颠簸不已。当劫后余生的人们从惊愕