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作者: 徐德龙 熊明 张晶  来源:人民长江 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: hydrologic  composition  Poyang  property  action  Lake  storage  flood 
描述:The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.
全文:The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.
作者: 郭家钢 陈红根 林丹丹 胡广汉 吴晓华 李东 刘红云 郑江 陈名刚  来源:中国寄生虫病防治杂志 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 钉螺  遥感  血吸虫病 
描述:目的应用地理信息系统/遥感技术(GIS/RS)快速确定鄱阳湖区钉螺孳生地带及血吸虫病高危区域. 方法选择鄱阳湖区内3个洲岛型血吸病重度流行村周围的洲滩地图进行数字化,在数字化地图的基础上分别对两张Landsat 5 (洪水期和沽水期)TM卫星遥感片进行校正,并提取出冬陆夏水洲滩部分,运用ERDAS IMAGINE软件对此洲滩进行计算机非监督分类(Unsupervised Classification)、校正植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI)和穗帽湿度变换指数(Tasseled Cap, TC)模型计算;用传统方法进行螺情调查,卫星定位仪(GPS)记录有钉螺点的经纬度,同时选择部分堤内的农田和水溏(无螺区)作为对照点. 结果用计算机非监督分类共分为10类,根据现场调查的钉螺分布图,有螺点主要分布在计算机非监督分类的6、7和8类中,进一步模型分析表明,有螺点主要分布在校正植被指数NDVI>115和穗帽湿度变换指数TC在-10到3之间,而堤内农田和水溏等对照点中的值则主要分布此数值以外. 结论鄱阳湖区钉螺分布和孳生与洲滩湖草的生长状况与及湿度有着密切的关系,本项研究提示,运用计算机非监督分类法可大致确定6、7和8类为有螺植被环境,然后通过校正植被指数(NDVI>110)确定植被优质区为钉螺的孳生环境,最后通过穗帽湿度变换指数(TC=-10~3)确定钉螺最佳孳生地,其准确率达95%以上.该方法简单易行,是湖区快速确定钉螺孳生地以及血吸虫病高危区的有效方法之一.
全文:目的应用地理信息系统/遥感技术(GIS/RS)快速确定鄱阳湖区钉螺孳生地带及血吸虫病高危区域. 方法选择鄱阳湖区内3个洲岛型血吸病重度流行村周围的洲滩地图进行数字化,在数字化地图的基础上分别对两张Landsat 5 (洪水期和沽水期)TM卫星遥感片进行校正,并提取出冬陆夏水洲滩部分,运用ERDAS IMAGINE软件对此洲滩进行计算机非监督分类(Unsupervised Classification)、校正植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI)和穗帽湿度变换指数(Tasseled Cap, TC)模型计算;用传统方法进行螺情调查,卫星定位仪(GPS)记录有钉螺点的经纬度,同时选择部分堤内的农田和水溏(无螺区)作为对照点. 结果用计算机非监督分类共分为10类,根据现场调查的钉螺分布图,有螺点主要分布在计算机非监督分类的6、7和8类中,进一步模型分析表明,有螺点主要分布在校正植被指数NDVI>115和穗帽湿度变换指数TC在-10到3之间,而堤内农田和水溏等对照点中的值则主要分布此数值以外. 结论鄱阳湖区钉螺分布和孳生与洲滩湖草的生长状况与及湿度有着密切的关系,本项研究提示,运用计算机非监督分类法可大致确定6、7和8类为有螺植被环境,然后通过校正植被指数(NDVI>110)确定植被优质区为钉螺的孳生环境,最后通过穗帽湿度变换指数(TC=-10~3)确定钉螺最佳孳生地,其准确率达95%以上.该方法简单易行,是湖区快速确定钉螺孳生地以及血吸虫病高危区的有效方法之一.