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作者: 詹寿根 胡苑成  来源:人民长江 年份:2001 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 结果比较  装机规模  排涝  翻阳湖  分析计算 
描述: ,鄱阳湖区 7月 1日以后出现暴雨的机率很大 ,其周边圩内暴雨与承泄区水位遭遇可能性较小 ,排涝站的排涝期宜定在每年的 4~ 9月 ,采用最大 3d暴雨与相应平均水位同频率遭遇 ,或采用最大 3d暴雨与历年最高 3d平均水位的平均值相配 ,推求并确定排涝泵站的排涝装机规模比较合适。
全文: ,鄱阳湖区 7月 1日以后出现暴雨的机率很大 ,其周边圩内暴雨与承泄区水位遭遇可能性较小 ,排涝站的排涝期宜定在每年的 4~ 9月 ,采用最大 3d暴雨与相应平均水位同频率遭遇 ,或采用最大 3d暴雨与历年最高 3d平均水位的平均值相配 ,推求并确定排涝泵站的排涝装机规模比较合适。
作者: 张延飞 唐鑫 张振东 丁木华  来源:人民长江 年份:2016 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 突变模型  生态经济区划  粗糙集  鄱阳湖域 
作者: 曹夏禹 张翔 肖洋 任杰宇 潘国艳  来源:人民长江 年份:2017 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 鄱阳湖湿地  δ13C  稳定碳同位素比  水分利用效率 
作者: 熊彩云 张学玲 肖复明 蔡海生  来源:人民长江 年份:2011 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 生态功能  鄱阳湖湿地  生态服务  对策 
作者: 余启辉 马强 游中琼  来源:人民长江 年份:2013 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 流速  水位  枯水期  调度方式  鄱阳湖水利枢纽 
作者: 熊彩云 张学玲 肖复明 蔡海生  来源:人民长江 年份:2011 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 生态功能  鄱阳湖湿地  生态服务  对策 
作者: 王晓明 张婷 金志农 蔡海生  来源:人民长江 年份:2013 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 社会生态化  生态化评价  鄱阳湖生态经济区  指标体系  经济生态化 
作者: 万怡国 高江林 邹晨阳  来源:人民长江 年份:2017 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 隐患探测  防汛抢险  高密度电阻率法  鄱阳湖区圩堤 
作者: 魏文才  来源:人民长江 年份:1987 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 渗透变形  软土  一般粘性土  地基稳定性  粘性土层  工程地质问题  工程地质条件  地基土  鄱阳湖地区  地基强度 
作者: 徐德龙 熊明 张晶  来源:人民长江 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: hydrologic  composition  Poyang  property  action  Lake  storage  flood 
描述:The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.
全文:The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.
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