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作者: 闵骞  来源:水文 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 高水还湖  水位效应  1998年洪水  鄱阳湖 
作者: 程时长 王仕刚  来源:江西水利科技 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 分析  动态  鄱阳湖  冲淤 
作者: 徐德龙 熊明 张晶  来源:人民长江 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: hydrologic  composition  Poyang  property  action  Lake  storage  flood 
描述:The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.
全文:The Poyang lake is currently the largest freshwater lake in China. Hydrologic properties of this lake, including precipitation, runoff, flood, sediment transport and so on have been analyzed on basis of large amount of measurements. Variation of these properties within a year and among years and the regional distribution are explored. The encounter probability of the outflow from Poyang Lake with that from Changjiang River is computed and the detention volume of Poyang Lake is analyzed. In accordance with water balance theory, the detention storage volume of Poyang Lake and Changjiang River corresponding to the annual maximum 60-day flood volumes in 9 typical heavy flood years of 1968, 1969, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1996 and 1998 have been calculated. The detention storage capacity of both the Lake and the River ranges from 5.6 billion to 16.5 billion m\+3, 11.5 billion m\+3 at average. Among which, the detention storage capacity of Poyang Lake is 9.5 billion m\+3, accounting for 82.6%. Poyang Lake has played a very important role in detaining floods from the five rivers of the Lake system as well as floods on the river section from Changjiang to Bali. There would have more frequent and more serious flooding on the middle and lower Changjiang River, especially in the region around Hukou if there were no Poyang Lake to detain and store the floodwater.
作者: 闵骞  来源:湖泊科学 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 洪水  鄱阳湖 
作者: 金腊华 李明玉 黄报远  来源:自然灾害学报 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 圩区滞洪  土地资源利用  鄱阳湖洪灾 
作者: 闵骞  来源:水资源研究 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 退田还湖  水位  频率分析  洪水  鄱阳湖  计算 
作者: 王小红 王溪云 邹慧 张孔德 李峰 刘玮  来源:中国血吸虫病防治杂志 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 钉螺  植被  鄱阳湖  草洲  血吸虫 
描述:进行比较分析。结果  13- 16 m高程的草洲 ,水淹日数越长 ,植被的覆盖度越低 ;同一草洲不同年间钉螺的生长发育与植被的覆盖度呈正相关 ;不同草洲不同年间钉螺血吸虫感染率以钉螺壳 7.5 m
全文:进行比较分析。结果  13- 16 m高程的草洲 ,水淹日数越长 ,植被的覆盖度越低 ;同一草洲不同年间钉螺的生长发育与植被的覆盖度呈正相关 ;不同草洲不同年间钉螺血吸虫感染率以钉螺壳 7.5 m
作者: 高欣  来源:文史杂志 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 《拟挽歌辞三首》  东晋  陶渊明  文学评论 
作者: 闵骞  来源:防汛与抗旱 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 退田还湖  圩堤  水文风险  洪水位  江湖关系  鄱阳湖区  不同年代  流量过程  年最高水位  容积 
作者: 刘双宏  来源:河港工程 年份:2002 文献类型 :期刊 关键词: 孤山隧道  公路隧道  开挖设备  选用 